Monday, July 4, 2011

The One Corporate Awareness Programs


To create business awareness and rebirth the corporation,
any new project, or concept with joyful consciousness
and get the whole team passionately focused as ONE
towards a brilliant manifesation of a common goal !!

For entrepreneurs, managers, groups, organizations, corporations

An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success. “ –Stephen R. Covey

In these times of uncertain and complex business challenges due to economical, political and planetary changes we are required to be mindful and focused to catch those great opportunities which empower our corporation/group/(non profit)organisation  into great success.

It is well known that the main capital of an organization is composed of the people working in that company. Moreover, the organization IS the people!

By modeling with mindfulness the manager is supposed to guide and empower his/her team towards success. In reality this does not always happen; the organizational management is the easiest part as most of the time this is based on gained knowledge and experience. Then the challenge starts: the manager as an individual is required  to guide and support his/her team, by informing and transferring knowledge, goals, strategies, follow up the logistics etc.  and modeling a positive state at all times.  The manager has to deal with his/her own emotional state and with that of the team. And there is where conflicts starts…

“The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self.”  – Albert Einstein

In the past many teambuilding programs were proposed, during these programs all participants, whether manager or employee, were filled with enthusiasm and all went home with the same focus and goal … So why once back at home the old habits and thoughts slipped in again and made that after one week the spirit and power of the seminar had completely disappeared?

Due to old behavior patterns and perceptions being stuck in each individual
subconscious mind!!

Humanity as a family  carries ancestral family entanglements which is stored in our DNA, and  transmitted in the womb by the mother to the foetus.  Besides our biological inheritage, the DNA also contains all past traumatic family experiences and emotional states such as fear, unworthiness, anger, doubts etc..transmitted generation after generation.

The Transcendental Rebirthing system is the most accurate tool to transmute these family entanglements so the individu and/or corporation can move forward with creativity, focus, unlimited personal power and positive mind towards greatness and success.

Imagine a team  composed of different individuals carrying each of them their own personal transgenerational fetal inherited patterns all stored in their subconscious mind without the individu having awareness of this.
In times like these with global changes it is reasonable that the organization is demanding more from their employees, interfering with activities of unexpected changes. As soon as changes in the team,company occur, these very old patterns hidden in the subconscious mind come to the surface and survival mechanisms (fight/flight/freeze behavior) due to fear or anger etc start being activated.  There is no more focus on the business and/or goal.

Business awareness is the first and most important step in organizing activities.  And it starts with the individual professional whether the manager or the employee.  When patterns such as fear, victimization and uncertainty hidden in the  subconsciousness show up, the person is disturbed in his/her creativity and positive thinking. Then, most of the time this is where the organization has already started moving in a downwards spiral.

That is why accurate divine intervention is required:


Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.”  –Kahlil Gibran

ONE CORPORATE AWARENESS proposes tailor made programs absolutely adapted  to whether the Business as a concept or as and Individu (or team), in presence and/or conducted through online technologies.

Online Program
       -    webinar with the team; exploring the concept/project/corporation, goals and naming of eventual conflicts
             and misperceptions
-      one hour and half individual sessions with each team member
-       assignments,
-       final webinar with the team together to rebirth the corporation/concept into One Corporate Awareness
-       follow up webinar (optional, highly recommended) 6 weeks after the Transcendental Rebirthing

In presence, one day Intensive Transcendental Rebirthing, in Cancun/Mexico or in your company

Rebirthing the project/concept/corporation through each of the individuals, exploring the opportunities of transmutation of any misperception, assignments/excercises, guidance through a powerful visualization towards One Corporate Awareness.

During the program (online and in presence), other effective methods, such as sacred geometrical structured mandala´s (Codes of AH©Ivonne Delaflor), the original Bach Flower remedies and cranio-sacral bodywork(when in presence) may be used.  Also specific assignments can be given to the individual or the whole team.

When you and/or your team ready to move forward towards brilliancy
with passion and joy

Than contact us  directly at

For a free 30 minutes interview through skype or msn messenger

In Alliance with the Higher School for Conscious Evolution

* Transcendental Rebirthing System©
A powerful tool for personal transformation, created in 2006 by Ivonne Delaflor-Alexander. This system is based upon sacred principles of life, do no harm and safety  are the most important.  The personal transformation occurs by  transmuting any past transgenerational inherited patterns  transmitted through our DNA generation after generation. This enables space to manifest a powerful intention into a brilliant manifestation.

A donation of 5pct of the profit for every One Corporate Awareness Project is directly offered
to the hOMeless supportive programs of Sacred Baby

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